Does Sevin Dust Kill Spider Mites? (Explained)

So, you’re not sure if Sevin Dust kills spider mites?

I already know that, and I want to share with you what insects it kills, and how to apply it properly.

Does Sevin Dust Kill Spider Mites?

Yes, Sevin Dust kills over 150 insects, including spider mites, by affecting its nervous system. The insect will die within 1 hour after getting in contact with Sevin Dust.

Sevin Dust is a popular insect killer. It kills ants, aphids, and many more insects, like spider mites.

It’s safe to use on vegetables, fruits, flowers, and lawns. You just sprinkle dust and kill insects almost immediately.

How Does Sevin Dust Kill Spider Mites?

Sevin Dust kills spider mites in a very easy way. This product contains a neurotoxin called naphthyl methylcarbamate, widely known as carbaryl.

It’s a man-made pesticide that is toxic to insects. It is commonly used to control outdoor pests. Carbaryl has been registered for use in pesticide products since 1959.

If an insect comes in contact with carbaryl, this neurotoxin affects its nervous systems by overstimulating them. 

Carbaryl works by keeping affected nerves stimulated continuously, resulting in the inability to contract breathing muscles, ultimately causing the death of insect pests.

The insects have seizures, often resulting in an inability to move, twitching, writhing, or paralysis. Eventually, the insect will die since it will not be able to breathe and move.

How Long Does it Take for Sevin Dust to Kill Spider Mites?

Sevin Dust works immediately once it gets in contact with an insect. Therefore, you should expect it will kill the insects in less than 1 hour. However, you should wait 5-7 days after treatment to evaluate results.

Since the bugs and insects have to crawl over the insecticide for it to work, you may have to wait up to 3 weeks to see the results you want. So, it would be best if you gave Sevin Dust time to affect the entire infesting colony of insects.

The product lasts up to three months under normal conditions, but if it rains, humidity is high, or there’s hot weather, you need to apply it every month. 

Keep in mind, not to apply Sevin Dust to your plants more than 7 times a year.

How to Apply Sevin Dust to Kill Spider Mites?

If you want to kill spider mites, or other insects with Sevin Dust, you should just sprinkle the affected plant sparingly with the product, avoiding sprinkling it on the flowers.

However, here are all the things that you need to know about applying Sevin Dust to kill spider mites.

1. Apply the dust at least a week before harvest to prevent the pesticide from lingering on your edible plants. 

2. Wear gloves, a filtering face mask, and protective goggles when handling Sevin Dust. This product is harmful to humans, as the active ingredient, Carbaryl, affects your nervous system.

3. Sparingly apply the dust to the dirt around your plant, being cautious not to put the dust on flowers, fruits, or vegetables, as you might kill pollinators.

4. If dust gets on flowers, remove them to prevent bees from eating the dust. 

5. Don’t water your plants for around 48 hours to allow the dust to work.

6. Repeat at weekly intervals or as necessary for prevention.

7. Apply this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area.

If you don’t have Sevin Dust yet, you can purchase it here on Amazon.

What Other Pests and Insects Does Sevin Dust Kill?

As you already know, Sevin Dust kills over 150 insects. Except for spider mites, the most common ones are:

  • Japanese Beetles
  • Leafminers
  • Codling Moth
  • Aphids
  • Scale Insects
  • Thrips
  • Weevils
  • Caterpillars
  • Slugs
  • Grasshoppers
  • Bugs

You can find all pests that Sevin Dust kills, on the official website of the company.

What are Other Ways to Kill Spider Mites?

Killing spider mites with Sevin Dust is one of the most effective methods of controlling spider mites and other pests. Here are other methods of getting rid of spider mites.


Hard blasts of water, aimed at the undersides of leaves, is a great way to control spider mites. This treatment needs to be repeated regularly to keep the mites from regaining a foothold.

Rubbing Alcohol

Combine a mixture of 1 cup of rubbing alcohol and 4 cups of water, then spray the solution on your plants. This method will kill spider mites by dehydrating them. Cover the stems, flowers, and foliage thoroughly. Spray the mixture on a single leaf first to test your plant, as some plants are very sensitive to rubbing alcohol.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural product that kills a variety of insects, pests, and mites. This oil contains azadirachtin, an active compound that interferes with the feeding, molting, mating, and egg-laying cycle of insects and mites. You can buy neem oil here on Amazon.


A variety of predatory insects and mites are known to feed on spider mites. Several can be purchased at larger garden centers or from online retailers to apply to plants you want to protect or cure, including several predatory mites: ladybugs, lacewings predatory thrips, and spined soldier bugs.
