Is Lawn Sand Harmful to Pets? (Read This First)

So, you want to apply lawn sand, but you don’t know if it’s safe for pets?

Keep on reading to find it out!

Is Lawn Sand Harmful to Pets?

Lawn sand isn’t harmful to pets, when use as directed. However, if digested, especially in large amounts, it might cause gastrointestinal problems and poisoning.

Ingesting lawn sand by your dog, cat, or other pet might be potentially harmful and cause problems like panting, vomiting, dehydration, constipation, or abdominal pain.

This product contains sand, and iron sulphate, and other ingredients ,which aren’t 100% safe for animals.

Small amounts shouldn’t be harmful, though. However, if you want to be sure that your pet won’t be harmed by lawn sand, read the article, and find out how to safely apply this product.

Why is Lawn Sand Potentially Harmful to Pets?

Your pets are safe when they’re in the area where you applied lawn sand. However, they’re not safe if they ingest lawn sand, for example walking across the lawn, and then licking their feet.

Lawn sand consists of a couple of ingredients. Each of them might be harmful to your dog, cat, or other pet.

Lawn sand, as you might guess, contains lots of sand. Small amounts of sand shouldn’t do any harm to your dog. However, if your pet digests more sand, it might cause symptoms like constipation, vomiting, or restlessness.

Iron sulphate that lawn sand often contains is more dangerous to your pets. If ingested in large amounts, it has the potential to harm your dog’s skin or cause iron poisoning.

Some lawn sands also contain ammonium sulphate. It’s another dangerous ingredient that can irritate the skin and eyes. High exposure may cause nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and drowsiness not only for the animals but also for the people.

That being said, lawn sand won’t kill your dog, but if he likes it too much, it will cause poisoning. In extreme cases, you might have to take your pet to the veterinarian to examine the dog’s abdominal area, and most likely do an ultrasound or x-ray. Your dog may need to receive medication for pain and fluids to help pass the things he ate.

How does this product affect other animals? If you have animals that graze on your grass, like rabbits or guinea pigs, keep them off the treated section of lawn for at least a month or as per the instructions.

Lawn sand affects little animals more and can be deadly for them.

How to Apply Lawn Sand so it’s not Harmful to Pets?

To apply lawn sand safely, you need to apply it when there’s no wind because you don’t want to get this small, light, granular substance in your eyes.

You should inspect the label on the back of the bag to determine the amount to apply per square foot of grass. Under-application may not be effective, while over-application can scorch the ground, and be more available for your pet.

Then, spread lawn sand on the grass. After application, don’t let your pets walk on the lawn for the next 48 hours. First, it might affect the effectiveness of the product, and second, your pet might ingest lawn sand.

If your dog likes to be outside, keep it on a leash or closely supervised when outdoors until the fertilizer is completely dry.

After 48 hours, water the lawn. After that, your pets are safe to play on the lawn.


Is lawn sand safe for birds?

Lawn sand isn’t safe for birds, as it contains sand and iron sulhpur. If ingested, this product might kill birds.

Is lawn sand safe for dogs?

Lawn sand isn’t 100% safe for dogs, as it might cause vomiting if consumed in large amounts. It’s safe after the lawn is watered.
