There are hundreds, if not thousands, of tomato varieties. Some of them have hilarious names.
In this post, I’ve gathered the funniest names so you can have fun!
1. Nebraska Weeding
The name of this tomato derives from… Nebraska. This tomato was used as a decoration to predict a prosperous marriage in churches. It’s an orange, round tomato, about 4 inches (10 cm) big, with a well-balanced flavor. First listed in 1983.
2. Purple Dog Creek
This heirloom tomato is a product of a small community of Dog Creek near Munfordville, Kentucky. Seeds for this variety were originally collected by Randy Sine of West Virginia. The flavor is a rich, full balanced, complex blend of acids and sugars and the fruits are nice and meaty.
3. Black Sea Man

This is a Russian variety from Russian seedswoman Marina Danilenko. This 1930’s heirloom was first brought to America. The flavor of the Black Sea Man tomato is rich, filled with depth, with flavorful hints of pineapple and tropical fruit.
4. Giulietta F1
The F1 Giulietta is a classic Italian plum tomato that produces high yields and boasts an excellent range of disease resistance. The fruits set well, even under cool conditions, and are juicy and delicious.
5. Orange Banana
Initially introduced to American seed savers in the mid-1990s by Marina Danilenko, a pioneering private seed seller from Moscow during the Perestroika-era. The fruits are deep orange in color, which is rare in paste-type tomatoes, and they have a nice, fruity flavor.
6. German Lunchbox
German Lunchbox tomato originated in Germany. It came to the United States via a German family that immigrated to the states. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Mansfield, Missouri, purchased some of the seeds from this German family, and in 2006, released this variety on a commercial level. The fruit is the size of a small egg, vibrant pink, and sugar sweet.
7. Wapsipinicon Peach
The variety originated with Elbert S. Carman in 1890 under the name White Peach. This strain came from Dennis Schlicht and is named after the Wapsipinicon River in northeast Iowa. The tomato has an unbelievably delicious nectar-like, juicy flavor.
8. Orange Strawberry
This is a large, beautiful orange oxheart-type fruit that is shaped like a strawberry. The flavor is outstanding, exceptionally rich, and sweet with just the right amount of acid.
9. Cow’s Tit

Cow’s tit is a variety that looks like… I don’t have to say that. The original single plant was found in a Valle Crucis, North Carolina grower’s field associated with the Mast Farm Inn in the summer of 1994 by Keith Mueller. If you are in search of varieties that will make great sauce and paste, this one is perfect.
10. Malakhitovaya Shkatulka
The name Malakhitovaya Shkatulka means “Malachite Box” in Russian. This tomato came to the U.S. in 2007. Tatiana Kouchnarev received the seeds from Tamara Yaschenko of Biysk, Siberia, Russia in a seed exchange in 2006. This medium-sized tomato has bright-green flesh that is very flavorful and tasty.
11. Olga’s Round Yellow Chicken Egg
This is a Russian heirloom from Siberia. Seeds collected in Russia by Bill McDorman of Hailey, Idaho. Introduced commercially by Seeds Trust in the early 90s. Olga’s Round Yellow Chicken Egg is sweet, orange, and yummy.
12. Milionaire
This variety comes from the area of Ozark, MO. Ed Henson grew and saved Millionaire tomato seeds for many years. Eventually, Canadian seed preserver Neil Gillard of Ontario received some seeds, and the company Baker Creek got some from him. These tomatoes have a delectable sweet flavor and are a beautiful coral-pink color.
13. Stump O’ The World
The variety was part of the Ben Quisinberry Collection, which also contributed to the variety Brandywine. These tomatoes are very sweet, meaty, juicy, and flavorful. They have a rich old-fashioned tomato flavor.
14. Turkey Chomp
The history of Turkey Chomp isn’t known. However, it’s a nice flavored, attractive, large, red, beefsteak-type tomato with a funny name.
15. Kellogg’s Breakfast
Kellogg’s Breakfast is slowly getting recognition. Originally bred in Michigan by a gardener named Kellogg. It is absolutely unique, both for its size and for its bold golden skin and juice, exactly the color of fresh-squeezed orange juice.
16. Atomic Grape

This variety was introduced commercially in the United States in the early 21st century. Atomic grape tomatoes are also known as Brad’s Atomic Grape tomatoes. They are colorfully nicknamed by some growers as Acid Trip tomatoes. The variety is highly favored for its multi-colored, striped skincomplex flavoring, and all-purpose nature, utilized in both fresh and cooked applications.
17. Cherokee Purples
Cherokee Purple seeds, originating from Tennessee, are thought to have been passed down from Native Americans of the Cherokee tribe. Cherokee Purple tomatoes have a rich, dark color and unmatched sweet, rich taste on sandwiches or in salads.
18. Grandma Viney’s Yellow and Pink
This is a family heirloom from Grayson County, Kentucky, grown for many years by Melvina Puckett. Maria Stenger of Sonora, Kentucky got the seeds from Melvina Puckett’s granddaughter at Joe’s Nursery in Clarkson, Kentucky. These tomatoes have the classic red and yellow coloring that Old German and Hawaiian Pineapple have. However, these tomatoes have a more subtle taste with more sweetness.
19. Goatbag
This tomato originates from the USA. The fruits are a red giant type tomato with red flesh inside. Fruits are large, flat-rounded or irregular, bright red, very beautiful, and very sweet.
20. Fourth of July
The Fourth of July tomato was bred by Burpee in the early part of the 21st century, and the company keeps the parentage of this tomato a closely guarded secret. It’s one of the earliest of all tomato varieties, as it was designed to produce ripe fruit by the Fourth of July. Tomatoes are delicious raw, sautéed, grilled, stewed, and added to many preparations.
21. Brad’s Black Heart
Originated from Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms in California, who found it in a patch of Black Krim and stabilized the seed. They are extra dense, with meaty flesh, the classic richness of dark tomatoes. They also have wispy, and droopy foliage.
22. Bloody Butcher
This is a tomato variety with a rich flavor and a deep red color, inside and out. If it’s hard for you to wait for ordinary tomatoes to ripen, try these. In less than 8 weeks, they’re ready to enjoy. Plants require staking and will produce until frost.
23. Brandywine
Grown for over a century, these are one of the older heirloom types available commercially and were one of the first varieties to appear in seed catalogs in the late 1800s. A favorite of many gardeners’ tomato has large fruit with superb flavor.
24. Fijian Cannibals

Native to the South Pacific Fijian islands. It was traditionally eaten by Fijian cannibals along with people’s meat… Since these tomatoes are so bitter, many people grow them as a novelty and they certainly have some interesting folklore to go with them.
25. Old Ivory Egg
Offered in the 1986 SSE Yearbook by Thane Earle of Whitewater, Wisconsin, who noted that the seeds were from Australia. It has the color, shape, and size of a chicken egg. They turn from ivory to creamy yellow. They have a mild flavor.
26. Chocolate Stripes
The tomato variety ‘Chocolate Stripes’ was first bred by the American farmer John Siegel in the early 2000s by crossing ‘Shimmeig Creg’ with a pink beefsteak tomato. Tomatoes feature mahogany-colored flesh with olive green striping. Complex, rich, earthy flavors reward the gardener with plants that yield a plentiful crop. An excellent choice for salads and sandwiches.
27. Pink Accordion
Dark-pink tomatoes, that are very fluted or ruffled like an accordion. A perfect choice for a commercial market tomato because of its popularity. The tomato is slightly hollow, making it a good stuffing tomato. Flavors are mild and sweet.
28. Micro Tom
The history of these tomatoes begins with their creation in Mexico by the Spanish Explorers, who took different varieties to Europe in the 1600s. These distinct plants were first created by the findings of The University of Florida in 1989 and invented by Dr. J.W. Scott and Dr. B.K. Harbaugh. They were developed for ornamental purposes only.
29. Hungarian Heart
First listed in the 1991 SSE Yearbook by Jerry Muller of Alabama. He acquired the variety in 1988 from Ed Simon of Pennsylvania. Simon stated it was brought to the United States in 1901 from a village 20 miles from Budapest. Each pink-red fruit is dense and heart-shaped, with very few seeds and a rich, hearty flavor.
30. Green Doctors
Named after one of the first women to become a microbiologist and professor on the subject of tomatoes, the Green Doctors tomato is one of several color varieties bearing Dr. Carolyn’s name. Their flavor can be somewhat mild at the start of the season, but they quickly develop a deliciously sweet taste with a balancing hint of tartness and are considered a low-acidity variety.
31. Dad’s Sunset
Dad’s Sunset is a popular slice thanks to its thick skin and meaty consistency. Dad’s Sunset was even named, “Best Tasting Tomato” at the 2004 Heirloom Tomato Contest!